Making an offer on a property
Once you have seen a property you like and want to rent, you will need to put forward an offer which will include: The proposed rent and how it is to be paid (e.g. monthly, quarterly, six monthly, all in advance); How long you wish to rent the apartment for (e.g. one year or longer); When you need to move in; Any other terms or requirements you have (e.g. extra furniture) We will advise you at the point of offer what the Landlord requires and prepare you for what may be the response to your offer.
All accepted offers are ‘Subject to Contract’ and suitable references which means that until the lease is signed, executed and exchanged, no agreement is legally binding.
All applicants are required to provide us with proof of photographic identity and PPS number, as well as current/previous addresses, employer’s name, addresses, personal referees and previous Landlords.
Tenancy Agreements
We will discuss this with you and provide you with a draft lease to look through. One thing to be aware of if you are renting with other Tenants is that you will all be held ‘jointly and severally’ liable for the terms of the Agreement for the duration of the Tenancy therefore it is essential that you all understand your obligations.
The Tenancy Agreement is a contract between the Landlord and the Tenant only. We are not authorised to change any of the terms of your Tenancy Agreement at any stage of the Tenancy. Any amendment must be agreed in writing by both parties before it can be deemed to be legal and binding.
Inventory: Check in/Check out
An inventory details the contents at the property at the start of the Tenancy. You will be invited to attend a ‘Check In’ so that you can agree the document is correct at the time of moving. Once you receive the inventory, you should check through it thoroughly to ensure that the contents are correct. Should there be any inaccuracies, please make a note in pencil before returning the signed copy to us. It is in your best interest to do this since your Agreement states that the inventory will be deemed to be correct. The condition of the property is also recorded.
At the end of your tenancy
A ‘Check Out’ of your inventory is undertaken. The report will be compared with the inventory and Check In to determine the condition of the property, therefore it is in your interest to ensure that the property is as clean as it was at the start of the Tenancy and that no damage has occurred.
Rent payments
In the majority of cases, rent is payable per calendar month (not four weekly) in advance.
You also need to be prepared that a damage and dilapidations deposit is payable on signing of the Tenancy Agreement. Your deposit, normally equivalent to one month’s rent, will usually be held by the landlord.
The deposit is held throughout the term of your Tenancy subject to the terms of your Tenancy Agreement. Please note: the deposit cannot be used as rent and has to be held until the end of the Tenancy. The return of your deposit is subject to the provisions of the Tenancy Agreement. If you are given permission to have a pet(s) in the property, you are likely to be asked to pay a higher deposit to be held as security against potential damage.
In most cases, there is no dispute at the end of the Tenancy. However, if any dispute arises between the Tenant and the Landlord as to the condition of the property and the amount to be deducted, the case is forwarded to the Residential Tenancies Board (RTB) who will make an independent judgement. To find out more about RTB, visit: www.rtb.ie.
Utility bills
Utility bills (electricity, water, heating, gas) are paid separately by the Tenant. When you move into the property, you will be provided with the details of the water/electricity/gas suppliers and the meter readings at the beginning of your Tenancy. It is your responsibility to contact the companies and inform them that you are the new Tenant and provide the initial meter readings. The bills will then be generated in your name and you will be responsible for paying them. At the end of the Tenancy you will also have to inform them that you are leaving and the final bill will be sent to you when you move out.
TV licence
A television licence is an official licence required in Ireland for the reception of television broadcasts. As a Tenant, unless otherwise agreed, it will be your responsibility to pay for the licence.
Telephone and internet
The telephone and internet contracts are in the Tenant’s name and set up for a year. It is the Tenant’s responsibility to pay for these facilities unless otherwise agreed.
Rental properties come on the market unfurnished, part-furnished or fully-furnished.
‘Unfurnished’ means that there is no furniture in the property apart from what is integrated or ‘built in’ to the property and ‘white’ goods, usually comprising a fridge/freezer, washing machine or washer/dryer, hob and oven. Some properties may also contain a dishwasher and a microwave. Linen, cutlery, crockery, utensils and electrical appliances are not provided as standard.
‘Part-furnished’ means that there are some items of furniture provided and, in order to avoid disappointment, it is always best to clarify exactly what is provided with the property beforehand.
‘Fully-furnished’ usually means that the property contains all the necessary furniture and appliances and in some cases this may also include crockery, cutlery and linen.
You will be provided with keys to the property at the commencement of the Tenancy providing contracts have been signed and ‘cleared’ funds have been received. You must return all keys at the end of the Tenancy, including any additional copies you have made. Failure to return all keys may result in you being charged the cost of having the locks changed or replacement keys obtained.
The Landlord of the property you intend to rent is responsible for the insurance of the building and its contents against the usual risks (fire, flood and theft). However, the insurance of your personal belongings are your own responsibility and are generally not covered by the Landlord’s policy. In addition, it may be advisable to insure all the contents of the property in the event that you breach and nullify the Landlord’s insurance policy and in such event, you may be required to pay the Landlord’s costs in the event of damage.
Approximately 2-3 months before the end of your Tenancy, you should contact us to advise us whether you wish to renew your Agreement or confirm the date you will be vacating the property. Please advise us as soon as possible in writing in order for us to confirm terms with the Landlord.
During the tenancy
If we are managing the property please contact us by email: info@beirnewise.ie should you incur any problems during the Tenancy. If we are not managing the property, we will provide you with the Landlord’s details. We will of course, always endeavour to assist where possible should you incur any problems during the Tenancy.
Ending the tenancy
Just before the end of the Tenancy you will be contacted either by the Landlord or ourselves to arrange the ‘Check Out’ and confirm vacating instructions.
At the termination of the Tenancy, you should provide us with your forwarding address and also inform the post office in order that they can forward any mail to you. Once all bills have been settled and deductions agreed, an account and the balance of your deposit will be returned to you by the Landlord/ or us (whichever applicable) in accordance with the terms of the Tenancy Agreement.
Before vacating the property, you should liaise with the Landlord/Beirne & Wise to arrange the transfer of utilities in order to avoid any of the services from being disconnected or any unnecessary charges being levied on yourself.
At the end of the Tenancy, the property and its contents will be checked against the items in the Inventory, and against which any discrepancies or damage (or items missing) will be recorded. Where the above are not considered to be reasonably within the bounds of ‘wear and tear,’ the Tenant will be responsible for paying either for their cleaning, repair, replacement or paying or for any other reasonable action to ensure the rectification of the damage/discrepancy/ omission/cleaning.
You must have all the keys present and correct. You must have vacated the premises (with all your possessions) and hand over the keys. You cannot remain in the property after the Check Out.
Return all items to where they were at the beginning of the Tenancy avoid items being labelled missing for which you may also be liable. The whole property should be cleaned throughout and returned to the Landlord in a good, clean condition. Inform all utility providers of your date of departure and ensure that all accounts are closed and paid in full for the duration of the Tenancy.